Terraform Template v2.2.0 does not have a package available – Mac M1

Error: Incompatible provider version

│ Provider Terraform Registry 46 v2.2.0 does not have a
│ package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64.

Please follow the steps given below:

  1. brew install kreuzwerker/taps/m1-terraform-provider-helper
  2. m1-terraform-provider-helper activate
  3. m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v v2.2.0

What is “kreuzwerker/taps/m1-terraform-provider-helper” ?
A CLI to manage the installation of terraform providers for the Mac M1 chip.

For complete info:
https://kreuzwerker.de/en/post/use-m1-terraform-provider-helper-to-compile-terraform-providers-for-mac-m1 738

After following the above steps, terraform init will run successfully !!!

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